Displayed below are the ten categories of related disciplines FSSE uses by default for reporting, research, and other purposes. In FSSE data, a faculty's self-reported academic disciplinary appointment and academic discipline of their selected course (if applicable) are first selected from the categories below and entered as the variables DAapptcol and DAcrscol. After choosing the appropriate category, the disciplinary categories expand so that faculty can choose from the appropriate 138 specific disciplinary codes, DAapptcode and DAcrscode.
Select the disciplinary field category below to view the associated list of disciplines and codes.
1 = Arts, fine and applied 2 = Architecture 3 = Art history 4 = English (language and literature) 5 = French (language and literature) 6 = Spanish (language and literature) 7 = Other language and literature 8 = History 9 = Humanities (general) 10 = Music 11 = Philosophy 12 = Religion 13 = Theater or drama 14 = Other fine and performing arts 15 = Other humanities
16 = Biology (general) 17 = Agriculture 18 = Biochemistry or biophysics 19 = Biomedical science 20 = Botany 21 = Cell and molecular biology 22 = Environmental science/studies 23 = Marine science 24 = Microbiology or bacteriology 25 = Natural resources and conservation 26 = Natural science 27 = Neuroscience 28 = Physiology and developmental biology 29 = Zoology 30 = Other agriculture and natural resources 31 = Other biological sciences
98 = Allied health 99 = Dentistry 100 = Health science 101 = Health technology (medical, dental, laboratory) 102 = Healthcare administration and policy 103 = Kinesiology 104 = Medicine 105 = Nursing 106 = Nutrition and dietetics 107 = Occupational safety and health 108 = Occupational therapy 109 = Pharmacy 110 = Physical therapy 111 = Rehabilitation sciences 112 = Speech therapy 113 = Veterinary science 114 = Other health professions
115 = Criminal justice 116 = Criminology 117 = Forensics 118 = Justice administration 119 = Law 120 = Military science 121 = Public administration, policy 122 = Public safety and emergency management 123 = Social work 124 = Urban planning
125 = Computer information systems 126 = Family and consumer studies 127 = General studies 128 = Information systems 129 = Information technology 130 = Liberal arts and sciences 131 = Multi, Interdisciplinary studies 132 = Network security and systems 133 = Other computer science and technology 134 = Parks, recreation, leisure studies, sports mgmt. 135 = Professional studies (general) 136 = Technical, vocational studies 137 = Theological studies, ministry 138 = Other, not listed
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