Registration & Pricing

BCSSE Registration and Pricing

BCSSE 2024 registration is closed and will re-open in early March 2025.  


Not a BCSSE contact? Complete the BCSSE Contact Request FormSee the BCSSE Contacts page for more information.

See Using BCSSE Dashboards to view video tutorials about using the dashboards for survey administration, data management, and report viewing/downloading.

Introducing the Student Check-In Surveys

New for BCSSE 2025 are three Fall check-in surveys. These are very brief surveys to immediately gauge the well-being of entering students.

Learn More

First-Year, Transfer, and Older Students

BCSSE targets three distinct groups of entering students: First-year students who are recent high school graduates, transfer students, and older students who have little or no prior experience in higher education.

  • Locally administered to entering students during orientation, welcome week, or early in the fall term.
  • Supplemental online winter administration available for January entrants.
  • Paper and online survey modes available.
  • Web-based monitoring of online survey completions.
  • Reports and data files delivered via BCSSE Dashboards.
  • Institutions participating in both BCSSE and NSSE in the same academic year receive a BCSSE–NSSE Combined Report with their NSSE Institutional Report.

You will receive registration instructions by email once your request has been approved.


BCSSE has helped us gain a nuanced understanding of the needs and expectations of our incoming students. We have used the data to enhance our advising, peer mentoring, and persistence efforts for first-years, and to identify the students who might benefit from different kinds of outreach.

— Jay Coleman, Vice President of Data Analytics, University of North Florida