1. How are things going so far this semester?
Response options: 3=Happy face; 2=Neutral face; Sad face=1
2. Are you optimistic about the fall semester?
Response options: Yes=3; Somewhat=2; No=1
3. Are you excited about:
Response options: Yes=3; Somewhat=2; No=3
a. Making new friends?
b. Participating in campus activities?
c. Attending athletic events?
d. Attending classes and learning?
e. Meeting professors?
f. Learning about career opportunities?
g. Are you considering withdrawing from school?
h. Response options: Yes=3; Somewhat=2; No=1
4. What is your class level?
Response options: First-year, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Other
<Canadian version>
4. What is your current year of study in university?
Response options: 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year, Other
5. Would you like more information about or assistance with:
(Select all that apply)
_ Advising
_ Career services
_ Campus activities
_ Financial concerns
_ Health services
_ Mental health services
_ Other: _________________
<If any selected above, this will appear below>
6. Please provide the best email address to reach you. ________________________
End of survey message:
Thank you for participating! We hope you have a great Fall Semester.
NOTE: The local institution will designate a contact who will receive the email that contains the students email and the selections for question 6. The institution will be instructed that the designated contact must be a staff member who is authorized to receive personal student information and who will act promptly and appropriately to the student request for more information. Only the email address provided by the student and responses to question 6 will be provided to the designated contact.