In addition to reports, FSSE delivers data files to participating institutions that include item-by-item responses for all faculty completing the questionnaire. Many researchers and practitioners are eager to analyze their institution's data and dig deeper into the results provided in the standard FSSE reports. However, a variety of variables created from recoded data are presented in FSSE reports, such as the average pages of assigned writing or the average time faculty spend on teaching activities. To assist institutions in exploring their FSSE data further, explanations and example syntax (in SPSS) of these recodes are presented here.
Analysis Resources
Syntax for Data Analysis
FSSE Scales are computed on a 60-point scale. Computing FSSE Scale scores involves three steps:
- First, all items that contribute to a FSSE Scale are converted to a 60-point scale. For example, items with four response options (for example, Very often, Often, Sometimes, Never) are recoded with values of 60, 40, 20, and 0, respectively. So, a FSSE Scale score of zero would mean that the faculty member chose the lowest response option for every item in that indicator, while a score of 60 means that every faculty member chose the highest response to every item.
- Second, recoded values for each component item are averaged together. For Scales with five or more items (Reflective & Integrative Learning, Effective Teaching Practices, etc.) a mean was calculated for every faculty member who answered all items or all but one of the items in the Scale (in other words, faculty can skip one of the component items). For Scales with four or fewer items (Quantitative Reasoning, Learning Strategies, etc.), faculty must answer all items to receive a Scale score.
- Institution-level Scale scores are the averages of the faculty-level scores.
Although FSSE Scale scores are already included in each institution's FSSE data file, SPSS syntax to compute all of the FSSE Scales can be found below:
COMPUTE HOapplyh=(fHOapply-1)*20.
COMPUTE HOanalyzeh=(fHOanalyze-1)*20.
COMPUTE HOevaluateh=(fHOevaluate-1)*20.
COMPUTE HOformh=(fHOform-1)*20.
COMPUTE fHO=mean.4(HOapplyh, HOanalyzeh, HOevaluateh, HOformh).
DELETE VARIABLES HOapplyh HOanalyzeh HOevaluateh HOformh.
COMPUTE RIintegrateh=(fRIintegrate-1)*20.
COMPUTE RIsocietalh=(fRIsocietal-1)*20.
COMPUTE RIdiverseh=(fRIdiverse-1)*20.
COMPUTE RIownviewh=(fRIownview-1)*20.
COMPUTE RIperspecth=(fRIperspect-1)*20.
COMPUTE RInewviewh=(fRInewview-1)*20.
COMPUTE RIconnecth=(fRIconnect-1)*20.
COMPUTE fRI=mean.6(RIintegrateh, RIsocietalh, RIdiverseh, RIownviewh, RIperspecth, RInewviewh, RIconnecth).
DELETE VARIABLES RIintegrateh RIsocietalh RIdiverseh RIownviewh RIperspecth RInewviewh RIconnecth.
COMPUTE QRconcludeh=(fQRconclude-1)*20.
COMPUTE QRproblemh=(fQRproblem-1)*20.
COMPUTE QRevaluateh=(fQRevaluate-1)*20.
COMPUTE fQR=mean.3(QRconcludeh, QRproblemh, QRevaluateh).
DELETE VARIABLES QRconcludeh QRproblemh QRevaluateh.
COMPUTE LSreadingh=(fLSreading-1)*20.
COMPUTE LSnotesh=(fLSnotes-1)*20.
COMPUTE LSsummaryh=(fLSsummary-1)*20.
COMPUTE fLS=mean.3(LSreadingh, LSnotesh, LSsummaryh).
DELETE VARIABLES LSreadingh LSnotesh LSsummaryh.
COMPUTE CLaskhelph=(fCLaskhelp-1)*20.
COMPUTE CLexplainh=(fCLexplain-1)*20.
COMPUTE CLstudyh=(fCLstudy-1)*20.
COMPUTE CLprojecth=(fCLproject-1)*20.
COMPUTE fCL=mean.4(CLaskhelph, CLexplainh, CLstudyh, CLprojecth).
DELETE VARIABLES CLaskhelph CLexplainh CLstudyh CLprojecth.
COMPUTE DDraceh=(fDDrace-1)*20.
COMPUTE DDeconomich=(fDDeconomic-1)*20.
COMPUTE DDreligionh=(fDDreligion-1)*20.
COMPUTE DDpoliticalh=(fDDpolitical-1)*20.
COMPUTE fDD=mean.4(DDraceh, DDeconomich, DDreligionh, DDpoliticalh).
DELETE VARIABLES DDraceh DDeconomich DDreligionh DDpoliticalh.
COMPUTE SFcareerh=(fSFcareer-1)*20.
COMPUTE SFotherworkh=(fSFotherwork-1)*20.
COMPUTE SFdiscussh=(fSFdiscuss-1)*20.
COMPUTE SFperformh=(fSFperform-1)*20.
COMPUTE fSF=mean.4(SFcareerh, SFotherworkh, SFdiscussh, SFperformh).
DELETE VARIABLES SFcareerh SFotherworkh SFdiscussh SFperformh.
COMPUTE fETgoalsh=(fETgoals-1)*20.
COMPUTE fETorganizeh=(fETorganize-1)*20.
COMPUTE fETexampleh=(fETexample-1)*20.
COMPUTE fETvarietyh=(fETvariety-1)*20.
COMPUTE fETreviewh=(fETreview-1)*20.
COMPUTE fETstandardsh=(fETstandards-1)*20.
COMPUTE fETdraftfbh=(fETdraftfb-1)*20.
COMPUTE fETfeedbackh=(fETfeedback-1)*20.
COMPUTE fET=mean.7(fETgoalsh, fETorganizeh, fETexampleh, fETvarietyh, fETreviewh, fETstandardsh, fETdraftfbh, fETfeedbackh).
DELETE VARIABLES fETgoalsh fETorganizeh fETexampleh fETvarietyh fETreviewh fETstandardsh fETdraftfbh fETfeedbackh.
COMPUTE QIstudenth=(fQIstudent-1)*10.
COMPUTE QIadvisorh=(fQIadvisor-1)*10.
COMPUTE QIfacultyh=(fQIfaculty-1)*10.
COMPUTE QIstaffh=(fQIstaff-1)*10.
COMPUTE QIadminh=(fQIadmin-1)*10.
COMPUTE fQI=mean.4(QIstudenth, QIadvisorh, QIfacultyh, QIstaffh, QIadminh).
DELETE VARIABLES QIstudenth QIadvisorh QIfacultyh QIstaffh QIadminh.
COMPUTE SEacademich=(fSEacademic-1)*20.
COMPUTE SElearnsuph=(fSElearnsup-1)*20.
COMPUTE SEdiverseh=(fSEdiverse-1)*20.
COMPUTE SEsocialh=(fSEsocial-1)*20.
COMPUTE SEwellnessh=(fSEwellness-1)*20.
COMPUTE SEnonacadh=(fSEnonacad-1)*20.
COMPUTE SEactivitiesh=(fSEactivities-1)*20.
COMPUTE SEeventsh=(fSEevents-1)*20.
COMPUTE fSE=mean.7(SEacademich, SElearnsuph, SEdiverseh, SEsocialh, SEwellnessh, SEnonacadh, SEactivitiesh, SEeventsh).
DELETE VARIABLES SEacademich SElearnsuph SEdiverseh SEsocialh SEwellnessh SEnonacadh SEactivitiesh SEeventsh.
FSSE asks faculty the following questions (variable names and response values are shown in red) about the number of papers of various lengths that they assign in their selected course section:
To create a total average number of pages assigned, each individual question is first recoded with an estimate for how many pages are assigned for papers of a given page length. For example, "Up to 5 pages" is estimated to be a 3-page paper. So, for a faculty member who assigned 6 papers of "Up to 5 pages," we would estimate that the faculty member assigns 3*6=18 pages. Papers "From 6 to 10 pages" are estimated to be 8-page papers. For a faculty member who assigns 4 papers "From 6 to 10 pages," we would estimate that the faculty member assigns 8*4=32 pages. Papers "11 pages or more" are estimated to be 15-page papers. For a faculty member who assigns 2 papers "11 pages or more," we would estimate that the faculty member assigns 15*2=30 pages. After each individual question about papers of various lengths is recalculated into average pages, all three page estimates are added together for a total number of average assigned pages. For our example above, the faculty member would have assigned a total of 18+32+30=80 pages.
SPSS syntax for this recode can be found below:
RECODE fwrshort (0=0) (1=3) (2=6) (3=9) (4=12) (5=15) (6=18) (7=21) (8=24) (9=27) (10=30) (11=33) INTO wr1.
RECODE fwrmed (0=0) (1=8) (2=16) (3=24) (4=32) (5=40) (6=48) (7=56) (8=64) (9=72) (10=80) (11=88) INTO wr2.
RECODE fwrlong (0=0) (1=15) (2=30) (3=45) (4=60) (5=75) (6=90) (7=105) (8=120) (9=135) (10=150) (11=165) INTO wr3.
NUMERIC fwrpages (F4.2).
COMPUTE fwrpages=wr1+wr2+wr3.
VARIABLE LABELS fwrpages 'Estimated pages of assigned writing, recoded '
+ 'and summed by FSSE from fwrshort, fwrmed, and fwrlong using the '
+ 'midpoints of item ranges and an estimate for unbounded options'.
FSSE asks faculty the following questions (variable names and response values are shown in red) about the number of hours per week that they spend on various scholarly activities:
In a typical 7-day week, about how many hours do you spend on each of the following?
Response options: 1 0, 2 1-4, 3 5-8, 4 9-12, 5 13-16, 6 17-20, 7 21-30, 8 More than 30 hours
a. ftmteach Teaching activities (preparing, teaching class sessions, grading, meeting with students outside of class, etc.)
b. ftmadvise Advising students
c. ftmresearch Research, creative, or scholarly activities
d. ftmserviceacts Service activities (committee work, administrative duties, etc.)
To create an average number of hours per week spent on scholarly activities, we use midpoints of the item ranges and an estimate for bounded options. "0" hours is coded as 0, "1-4" is coded as 2.5 hours, "5-8" is coded as 6.5 hours, "9-12" is coded as 10.5 hours, "13-16" is coded as 14.5 hours, "17-20" is coded as 18.5 hours, "21-30" is coded as 25.5, and "More than 30 hours" is coded as 32.5 hours.
SPSS syntax for this recode can be found below:
RECODE ftmteach (1=0) (2=2.5) (3=6.5) (4=10.5) (5=14.5) (6=18.5) (7=25.5) (8=32.5) INTO ftmteachhrs.
RECODE ftmadvise (1=0) (2=2.5) (3=6.5) (4=10.5) (5=14.5) (6=18.5) (7=25.5) (8=32.5) INTO ftmadvisehrs.
RECODE ftmresearch (1=0) (2=2.5) (3=6.5) (4=10.5) (5=14.5) (6=18.5) (7=25.5) (8=32.5) INTO ftmresearchhrs.
RECODE ftmserviceacts (1=0) (2=2.5) (3=6.5) (4=10.5) (5=14.5) (6=18.5) (7=25.5) (8=32.5) INTO ftmserviceactshrs.
FSSE asks faculty the following questions (variable names and response values are shown in red) about their expectation for and perception of the time students spend per week preparing for their selected course section:
13. ftmprepexpect In an average 7-day week, about how many hours do you expect the typical student to spend preparing for your selected course section (studying, reading, writing, doing homework or lab work, analyzing data, rehearsing, and other academic activities)?
Response options: 0 0, 1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 4, 5 5, 6 6, 7 7, 8 8, 9 9, 10 10, 11 More than 10 hours
14. ftmprepactual In an average 7-day week, about how many hours do you think the typical student actually spends preparing for your selected course section (studying, reading, writing, doing homework or lab work, analyzing data, rehearsing, and other academic activities)?
Response options: 0 0, 1 1, 2 2, 33, 4 4, 55, 6 6, 7 7, 8 8, 9 9, 1010, 11 More than 10 hours
These variables are already coded in a way that an average can be calculated, where "More than 10 hours" is coded as 11 hours. Depending on your statistical package, you may need to convert these variables to a scale or continuous measures to take an average.
FSSE asks faculty the following question (variable name and response values are shown in red) about their expectation for the number of hours per week students spend reading for their selected course section:
19a ftmread In an average 7-day week, of the time students spend preparing for your selected course section, about how many hours do you expect the typical student to spend on assigned reading?
Response options: 0 0, 1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 4, 5 5, 6 6, 7 7, 8 8, 9 9, 10 10, 11 More than 10 hours
This variable is already coded in a way that an average can be calculated, where "More than 10 hours" is coded as 11 hours. Depending on your statistical package, you may need to convert this variable to a scale or continuous measures to take an average.
Request a Custom Report
FSSE is able to provide special customized reporting of your campus’s results. For additional information, please contact
Available Reports
FSSE Custom Reports will compare any two groups of instructional staff (faculty, instructors, graduate students who teach, etc.) as long as respondent anonymity is not compromised. A special analysis typically includes a Respondent Profile, Frequencies, and Additional Questions (optional for institutions that administered Topical Modules or consortium items).
If you would like to compare your faculty data to national trends, you can visit our FSSE Interactive Data Visualizations.
The cost for a custom report is based on the complexity of the request and the time spent to complete it. The typical cost
Delivery Date
Standard delivery time is approximately 4-6 weeks from the point that all report details (e.g., cost, delivery date, etc.) are confirmed with the requester. Expedited delivery is usually possible but could significantly change the cost of the analysis.
Request a FSSE Special Analysis Report
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