NSSE Shorts (New)

NSSE Shorts (New in 2025!)

Get Insights that Matter with NSSE Shorts!

NSSE is now offering 5 of its most in-demand Topical Modules to help you gather valuable data from your undergraduate students, including:

You also have the option to add demographic items and up to 3 custom fields to dive deeper into your unique institutional needs.

This is a prime opportunity for institutions to gain targeted insights into crucial areas of student engagement—whether it's advising, career prep, mental health, or inclusivity.

Why choose NSSE Shorts?

  • Affordable pricing: Based on enrollment size, ranging from $630 to $2,380, with minimal setup requirements
  • Student-friendly: Short, simple, and easy to complete
  • Flexible data options: Choose anonymous or student-specific responses
  • Comparative insights: Compare data within your campus or across multiple campuses.
  • Real-time actionability: Data and reports are available as soon as they're collected.

How It Works

Institutions can choose to use institution-only specific links, student-specific links, or a combination of both.

The institution-only specific survey URL contains no personally identifiable student information. Data and results using this survey URL will provide you with summary results and data downloadable in real time. You will also be able to filter results by student responses and "grouping variables" (if applicable). Student responses using the institution-only specific links will be anonymous. Student ID is not collected.

Student-specific links will provide data through the NSSE Shorts dashboard. You will be able to monitor completions so that your follow up invitations are only with non-respondents. The data also provides you the opportunity to reach out to students in a timely manner. For example, your campus can reach out to those students who are not sure they will return the next fall or experiencing academic difficulties. Institutions using student-specific links will also get summary reports.

See NSSE Shorts Administration Instructions for more details.


NSSE Shorts 2025 Administration Fee is all inclusive and allows an institution to choose 1 or 2 item sets and demographic items. Invoices are sent after registration closes March 21, 2025. 

Undergraduate enrollmentAdministration fee
Fewer than 500$630
500 to 999$830
1,000 to 3,999$1000
4,000 to 7,999$1430
8,000 to 12,000$1900
More than 12,000$2380