1. Do you live on campus or off campus? [HOUfy1801]
Response options:1=, 0=Off campus2a. Do you live at home with your family? [HOUfy1802a]
Response options: 1=, 0=No
2b. About how long does it usually take to get to campus from where you live? [HOUfy1802b]
Response options: 1=0-5 minutes, 2=6-10 minutes, 3=11-20 minutes, 4=21-30 minutes, 5=31-45 minutes, 6=46-60 minutes, 7=More than 60 minutes
3. Whether on or off campus, which of the following best describes where you live while attending college? [HOUfy1803]
Response options: 1=Traditional residence hall (share a bathroom with a wing or floor), 2=Suite-style residence hall (share a bathroom with suitemates), 3=Apartment, townhouse, or other apartment-style residence, 4=Fraternity or sorority housing, 5=House, 6=Institution-owned or managed family housing, 7=Other, please specify: ____________ [HOUfy1803_txt]
4. After classes started this school year, how many times did you move your place of residence? [HOUfy1804]
Response options: 0=0, 1=1, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5 or more
5. How many roommates or housemates do you have? [HOUfy1805]
Response options: 0=0, 1=1, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5 or more
6a. Do any of your roommates or housemates also attend this institution? [HOUfy1806a]
Response options: 1=Yes, 0=No
6b. Which of the following best describes how you became roommates or housemates? [HOUfy1806b]
Response options: 1=Matched after creating an electronic housing profile, 2=Assigned by the housing office or property owner, 3=Planned with friend(s), 4=Found through social media, 5=Found through an advertisement, Craigslist, etc., 6=Other, please specify: _____________ [HOUfy1806b_txt]
7. Do you participate in a residential program where students take at least one class together and attend common educational or social activities (often called a “living-learning community”)? [HOUfy1807]
Response options: 1=Yes, 0=No
8. Some housing options provide opportunities specifically for people who live there. Which of the following, if any, have you done in your place of residence? (Select all that apply.)
Response options: 1=Selected, 0=Not selected
- Attended a class where you live (not online)
- Met with a faculty member where you live [HOUfy1808b]
- Met with an academic advisor where you live [HOUfy1808c]
- Used academic support services (tutoring, writing center, career counseling, etc.) where you live [HOUfy1808d]
- Studied or worked on a project with other students where you live [HOUfy1808e]
- Attended social or co-curricular activities where you live [HOUfy1808f]
- Attended diversity-related activities where you live [HOUfy1808g]
- Attended health and wellness activities where you live [HOUfy1808h]
- None of these [HOUfy1808i]
- To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about where you live while attending college?
Response options: 5=Strongly agree, 4=Agree, 3=Neither agree nor disagree, 2=Disagree, 1=Strongly disagree
- I feel physically safe where I live. [HOUfy1809a]
- I feel free from harassment and discrimination where I live. [HOUfy1809b]
- I feel comfortable being myself where I live. [HOUfy1809c]
- I feel valued where I live. [HOUfy1809d]
- I feel a sense of community where I live. [HOUfy1809e]
- I can resolve conflicts that might arise within my living arrangement. [HOUfy1809f]
10. What best describes the impact your current living situation has had on the following?
Response options: 5=Strong positive impact, 4=Positive impact, 3=No positive or negative impact, 2=Negative impact, 1=Strong negative impact
- Your ability to succeed academically [HOUfy1810a]
- Your ability to make friends in college [HOUfy1810b]
- Your overall physical well-being [HOUfy1810c]
- Your overall emotional or mental well-being [HOUfy1810d]
11. About how many hours do you sleep on a typical night? [HOUfy1811]
Response options: 1=4 or fewer hours, 2=5 hours, 3=6 hours, 4=7 hours, 5=8 hours, 6=9 hours, 7=10 or more hours
12. During the current school year, about how often have you been homesick? [HOUfy1812]
Response options: 4=Very often, 3=Often, 2=Sometimes, 1=Never
13. During the current school year, about how often have you done the following?
Response options: 4=Very often, 3=Often, 2=Sometimes, 1=Never
- Worried about having enough money for regular expenses [HOUfy1813a]
- Worried about paying for college [HOUfy1813b]
- Chosen not to participate in an activity due to lack of money [HOUfy1813c]
- Chosen not to purchase required academic materials (books, coursepacks, supplies) due to their cost [HOUfy1813d]
- Skipped meals due to lack of funds [HOUfy1813e]
14. During the current school year, have you done the following?
Response options: 1=Yes, 0=No
- Not paid the full amount of your rent, mortgage, or housing fees [HOUfy1814a]
- Not paid the full amount of a utility bill [HOUfy1814b]
- Not paid the full amount of a phone bill [HOUfy1814c]
15. If you could choose again, would you choose the same type of housing in which you currently live? [HOUfy1815]
Response options: 4=Definitely yes, 3=Probably yes, 2=Probably no, 1=Definitely no
16. What was the ZIP code of your home address during high school? [HOUfy1816]
1. Do you live on campus or off campus? [HOUsr1801]
Response options:1=, 0=Off campus
2a. Do you live at home with your family? [HOUsr1802a]
Response options: 1=Yes, 0=No
2b. About how long does it usually take to get to campus from where you live? [HOUsr1802b]
Response options: 1=0-5 minutes, 2=6-10 minutes, 3=11-20 minutes, 4=21-30 minutes, 5=31-45 minutes, 6=46-60 minutes, 7=More than 60 minutes
3. Whether on or off campus, which of the following best describes where you live while attending college? [HOUsr1803]
Response options: 1=Traditional residence hall (share a bathroom with a wing or floor), 2=Suite-style residence hall (share a bathroom with suitemates), 3=Apartment, townhouse, or other apartment-style residence, 4=Fraternity or sorority housing, 5=House, 6=Institution-owned or managed family housing, 7=Other, please specify: ____________ [HOUsr1803_txt]
4. After classes started this school year, how many times did you move your place of residence? [HOUsr1804]
Response options: 0=0, 1=1, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5 or more times
5. How many roommates or housemates do you have? [HOUsr1805]
Response options: 0=0, 1=1, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5 or more
6. Do any of your roommates or housemates also attend this institution? [HOUsr1806]
Response options: 1=Yes, 0=No
7. When choosing your current living situation, how important to you were the following factors?
Response options: 1=Not at all important, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=Very important
- Proximity to campus [HOUsr1807a]
- Proximity to work [HOUsr1807b]
- Proximity to family [HOUsr1807c]
- Proximity to social spaces, dining options, or nightlife [HOUsr1807d]
- Ability to focus on academics [HOUsr1807e]
- Ability to choose your roommates [HOUsr1807f]
- Cost [HOUsr1807g]
- Ability to drink or smoke in your home [HOUsr1807h]
- Ability to have visitors [HOUsr1807i]
- Safety [HOUsr1807j]
- Privacy [HOUsr1807k]
- Quiet spaces [HOUsr1807l]
- Size of room [HOUsr1807m]
- Access to gym, pool, other recreational facilities [HOUsr1807n]
- Access to transportation to campus [HOUsr1807o]
- Parking [HOUsr1807p]
- Approval of family members [HOUsr1807q]
8. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about where you live while attending college?
Response options: 5=Strongly agree, 4=Agree, 3=Neither agree nor disagree, 2=Disagree, 1=Strongly disagree
- I feel physically safe where I live. [HOUsr1808a]
- I feel free from harassment and discrimination where I live. [HOUsr1808b]
- I feel comfortable being myself where I live. [HOUsr1808c]
- I feel valued where I live. [HOUsr1808d]
- I feel a sense of community where I live. [HOUsr1808e]
- I can resolve conflicts that might arise within my living arrangement. [HOUsr1808f]
9. In your current living situation, how difficult has it been for you to do the following?
Response options: 1=Not at all difficult, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=Very difficult
- Shop for food [HOUsr1809a]
- Live with others [HOUsr1809b]
- Prepare or study for class [HOUsr1809c]
- Get to class [HOUsr1809d]
- Access on-campus resources (advising, library, etc.) [HOUsr1809e]
10. During the current school year, about how often have you done the following?
Response options: 4=Very often, 3=Often, 2=Sometimes, 1=Never
- Worried about having enough money for regular expenses [HOUsr1810a]
- Worried about paying for college [HOUsr1810b]
- Chosen not to participate in an activity due to lack of money [HOUsr1810c]
- Chosen not to purchase required academic materials (books, coursepacks, supplies) due to their cost [HOUsr1810d]
- Skipped meals due to lack of funds [HOUsr1810e]
11. During the current school year, have you done the following?
Response options: 1=Yes, 0=No
- Not paid the full amount of your rent, mortgage, or housing fees [HOUsr1811a]
- Not paid the full amount of a utility bill [HOUsr1811b]
- Not paid the full amount of a phone bill [HOUsr1811c]
12. About how many years have you lived on campus while attending this institution? [HOUsr1812]
Response options: 0=I never lived on campus at this institution, 1=Less than 1 year, 2=1 year, 3=2 years, 4=3 years, 5=4 years, 6=More than 4 years
13a. Whether or not you have ever lived on campus, how would you rate the quality of on-campus housing at this institution? [HOUsr1813a]
Response options: 1=Poor, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=Excellent
13b. Please explain this rating. (5,000 character limit; at the end of the survey, you will have an opportunity to comment on your overall experience at this institution.) [HOUsr1813b_txt]