- Phone:
- (812) 856-0697
- Email:
- abrckalo@iu.edu
- Department:
- Campus:
- IU Bloomington
- Hometown:
- Grimes, IA
Allison BrckaLorenz, Ph.D., is the Director of the College + University Teaching Environment project, the project manager for the Faculty Survey of Student Engagement, and a research analyst for the National Survey of Student Engagement. In her work at the Center for Postsecondary Research, she helps people use data to make improvements on their campuses, uses data to highlight the experiences of traditionally marginalized subpopulations, and provides professional development opportunities and mentoring to graduate students. Her research interests focus on supportive teaching environments for faculty, the teaching and learning of college students and the accompanying issues faced by faculty, the socialization of graduate students, and the experiences of small and understudied populations with an emphasis on the engagement of LGBQ+ students. Education: Ph.D. University of Iowa (Higher Education), M.S. University of Iowa (Math Education), B.S. University of Northern Iowa (Mathematics)