NSSE Informed Consent Statement (US English Version)
You are invited to answer a series of questions about your college experiences by completing the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). Information from this survey is used by faculty and administrators at your school to improve the undergraduate experience and by other higher education leaders and researchers.
After reading the information on this page, if you agree to take part in this survey, click the “Proceed to the Survey” button below.
Survey Participants
Survey participants are primarily first-year and senior bachelor’s degree-seeking students at your school as well as other colleges and universities.
Taking the Survey
The survey asks you about your college experiences, how you spend your time, what you have gained from college, and your interactions with peers, faculty, and others. Filling out the questionnaire takes about 15 minutes. Your participation is completely voluntary. Declining participation or not completing the survey will not result in any penalty or loss of benefits.
Survey Partners
This survey is conducted in a partnership between your school and the Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research. The Center will send your survey responses to your school for research, institutional assessment, and improvement.
Your school and the Center will make every effort to keep your responses confidential, although absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Neither your college nor the Center will make any public release of information associated with your name while using survey results and related student records for their intended purpose (to improve the college experience and conduct research), but personally identifiable responses may be inspected by college and government organizations when required by law.
Further Information
If you have any questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact the National Survey of Student Engagement at nsse@indiana.edu or by calling 812-856-5824.
For questions about your rights as a research participant or to discuss problems, complaints, or concerns about a research study, or to obtain information or offer input, contact the Indiana University Human Subjects Office by phone at 800-696-2949 or by email at irb@iu.edu.
Proceed to the Survey (button label)
I Decline to Participate (button label)