NSSE Sightings, NSSE’s blog, shares current findings and more from NSSE, FSSE, BCSSE, and other projects at the Center for Postsecondary Research.
The latest postings feature tips for assessing intersectional experiences, using cross-sectional data, creating Excel reports with R, and assessing data during times of crisis including what NSSE campuses can learn from their Spring 2020 administration and new BCSSE questions about the impact of the pandemic on high school graduates.
Other posts provide information about the relationships between creative course activities, residential learning communities, and online learning with student engagement as well as the experiences of conservative students on campus and the social and political causes that undergraduates are active in.
Other stories provide insight into the relationships between student major choice and personality and student sexual orientation and college choice.
Posts additionally focus on understanding student use of e-textbooks, the experiences of LGBQ+ students, and looking at how honors students spend their time.
Postings that include faculty perspectives include an overview of the faculty role in student sense of belonging, teaching practices of STEM faculty, and environments that support good teaching practices.
Finally, editorial posts feature the reflections of a NSSE staff member on her undergraduate experience and the reflections of Center for Postsecondary (CPR) graduate students on using CPR data.
Be sure to check out NSSE Sightings, and if you sight good engagement-related research, findings, tips, or stories, please let us know. As always, we welcome your ideas and feedback!