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Recent high school gradautes entering colleget his fall started completing BCSSE April of this year, with the mjoaroty completing sometime during July and August. Depending the fall schedule for the institution, data collection will cease in early to mid September.

By mid-August approximately 33,000 recent high school graduates entering 51  universities and colleges this fall have completed the BCSSE survey. These 51 institutions include baccaulareate (10%), masters (47%), and doctoral level (33%) located in 23 states and the US Virgin Islands. Approximately 69% are public institutions with the remaining being private.

  • 26% of respondents described their course taking during their last year of high schools as entirely online, 15% entirely in-person, 32% mostly in-person, with some online instruction, and 27%% mostly online, with some in-person instruction (last two characterized as "hybrid").
  • 86% are "very" or "moderately" optimistic about having a successful first year of college.
  • 33% have "very much" or "quite a bit" increased concern for the health and safety family and friends.
  • 16% stated that the COVID-19 pandemic did not at all interfere with their colleges plans.
  • 28% and 21% have increased depression or hopelessness due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 32% did not experience increased sleeping diffculty due to the COVID-19 pandemic, while 25% did experience increased sleeping diffculty "very much" or "quite a bit".

You can explore results further by visiting the BCSSE COVID-19 dashboard (Username: COVID | Password: COVID_results).




 Figure 1. BCSSE COVID story

Figure 2 BCSSE COVID story




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Figure 1 BCSSE COVID story


Figure 2 BCSSE COVID story



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1 or 2 figures or graphics