NSSE Reports on the Quality of Students' College Experience

Since the survey’s inaugural launch in spring 2000, approximately 1.5 million students enrolled at more than 1,500 colleges and universities have completed the survey

Each year the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE, pronounced “nessie”) collects information directly from students at hundreds of colleges and universities. Responses to the survey provide valuable information about the extent to which students are engaged in practices known to promote student learning. NSSE was selected as one data resource for the Voluntary System of Accountability (VSA) because its results relate to core elements of educational quality and its uniform data collection procedures encourages confidence in results, enabling comparisons across institutions

NSSE is an institution's most trustworthy lens for seeing deeply     into the quality of students experiences.

Lee Shulman, Former President,    The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching

The breadth of institutions participating in NSSE permits colleges and universities to benchmark themselves against groups of institutions that share similar missions and characteristics.


2000Since the survey’s inaugural launch in spring 2000, approximately 1.5 million students enrolled at more than 1,500 colleges and universities have completed the survey.