Student Comment Prompts

NSSE Student Comment Prompts: Options, Data and Using Results

At the end of the survey, students are invited to express their opinions about their college learning experience in a space for up to 5,000 characters.

Institutions may choose one of four open-ended prompts. The default is chosen for institutions that did not select a prompt. 

In addition to choosing from the prompts below, institutions may submit a customized prompt to invite student comments on the topic most useful to the campus.
  1. If you have any additional comments or feedback that you'd like to share on the quality of your educational experience, please enter them below.
  2. What has been most satisfying about your experience so far at this institution, and what has been most disappointing?
  3. Please describe the most significant learning experience you have had so far at this institution.
  4. What one change would most improve the educational experience at this institution, and what one thing should not be changed? (default)

Tips for Using Student Comments


Students’ confidential, candid reflections on their own college experience can be an asset in survey research and assessment. Taking the time to review student comments gives voice and agency to students at the institution and recognizes the time and energy put into providing a thoughtful response. Student comments also complement quantitative results and expand assessment to include what students view as important in their own lives.

Depending on the reason for choosing an open-ended option, the information gathered can be analyzed and used in a variety of ways, for example:

  • Use software such as NVivo or RapidMiner to conduct qualitative or text-mining analysis
  • Analyze the data for sentiment—discover whether responses are positive, negative, or
  • Share student comments with offices that can do their own focused analysis. For example, housing staff may be able to review for feedback on various living situations, or by student
  • Use student comments to complement quantitative findings. If student-faculty interaction is an area of concern for you, scan the comments for feedback on experiences with
  • Use student comments as a springboard for conducting focus groups or individual interviews, whereby you can learn more about positive experiences worthy of promotion or about struggles students are having that need to be
  • Add student comments to promotional materials to demonstrate that student opinions are

Your Student Comments Report and Data File

NSSE provides a Student Comments report (MS Excel) and a separate data file (SPSS) of all responses exactly as the students entered them (which may not be suitable for distribution without prior review). Responses are provided for up to three open-ended questions. Two such questions appear in Topical Modules (such as Civic Engagement; First-Year Experiences and Senior Transitions) and the third appears at the end of the survey after any module or consortium questions.

The report contains separate tabs for each source, as appropriate. Each tab contains the wording of the corresponding question. End-of-survey comments are provided in separate tabs for first-year and senior students. Module comments are sorted by class, enrollment status, and sex; End-of-survey comments are split by class and sorted by overall satisfaction, enrollment status, and sex. The report also charts the overall satisfaction of your students, comparing those who left a comment with those who left no comment (Figure 1).

The data file includes the same information plus the student survey identifiers. For this reason, we urge discretion when using, storing, and disseminating the
report and data file.