Civic Engagement Topical Module (2024)
Originally adapted from a survey of democratic engagement developed by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, this module has been updated to ask students to assess their institution’s emphasis on civic issues and their abilities to resolve conflicts, participate in dialogue and contribute to community well-being, and how often students have engaged with campus, local, state, national, or global issues. Items align with the Civic Learning and Democracy Engagement (CLDE) Framework ( The module complements questions on the core survey about service-learning, community service or volunteer work, and becoming an informed and active citizen. (Similar FSSE set available.)
1. How much does your institution emphasize the following?
Response options: Very much, Quite a bit, Some, Very little
a. Discussing important social, economic, or political issues with others
b. Organizing activities focused on important social, economic, or political issues
c. Being an informed and active participant in campus, local, state, or national issues
d. Being involved in an organization or group focused on important social, economic, or political issues
e. Voting in campus, local, state, or national elections
f. Encouraging free speech and expression
g. Developing a sense of responsibility to the communities that matter to you
2. How comfortable do you feel addressing important social, economic, or political issues in the following?
Response options: Very much, Quite a bit, Some, Very little
a. In course assignments
b. In course discussions
c. Outside of class or in your community
3. Select the response that best represents your ability to do the following:
Response options: Poor (1) to Excellent (5)
a. Help people work through their disagreements with each other
b. Respond to conflicts that involve bias, discrimination, and prejudice
c. Lead a group in which people from different backgrounds feel welcomed and included
d. Participate in a constructive dialogue with someone who disagrees with you
e. Contribute to the health of communities that matter to you
4. During the current school year, whether course-related or not, about how often have you done the following?
Response options: Very often, Often, Sometimes, Never
a. Informed yourself about campus or local issues
b. Informed yourself about state, national, or global issues
c. Discussed campus or local issues with others
d. Discussed state, national, or global issues with others
5. During the current school year, whether course-related or not, about how often have you done the following?
Response options: Very often, Often, Sometimes, Never
a. Raised awareness about issues, whether local or global
b. Volunteered time, money, or resources to support an issue, whether local or global
c. Asked others to address issues, whether local or global
d. Organized others to work on issues, whether local or global
e. Participated in research or a project for your community or the public good
6. Think about the experiences you may have had with campus, local, state, national, or global issues. What about these experiences has been most meaningful to you? (5,000 character limit) [text box]