We are interested in how you have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the following questions, we use the phrase “the COVID-19 pandemic” to describe the time period when the pandemic affected everyday life for many people. In the US and Canada, this started in March 2020 and has extended into the 2020-21 academic year.
1. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, to what extent have your instructors done the following?
Response options: Very much, Quite a bit, Some, Very little, Not at all, Not applicable
a. Remained positive
b. Had reasonable expectations of students
c. Responded appropriately to the needs of students
d. Shown care and concern for students
2. To what extent has your institution kept students safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Response options: Very much, Quite a bit, Some, Very little, Not at all, Don’t know/Unsure
3. To what extent, if any, has the COVID-19 pandemic interfered with the following?
Response options: Very much, Quite a bit, Some, Very little, Not at all
a. Your college plans
b. Your ability to succeed as a student
c. Your plans to participate in special learning opportunities (internships, study abroad, field experiences, etc.)
d. Your ability to pay for college and living expenses
e. Your preferred living situation
4. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, to what extent, if any, have you experienced an increase in the following?
Response options: Very much, Quite a bit, Some, Very little, Not at all, Don’t know/unsure
a. Mental or emotional exhaustion
b. Depression that interfered with daily functioning
c. Anxiety that interfered with daily functioning
d. Feeling hopeless about your current situation
e. Inability to concentrate
f. Difficulty sleeping
g. Loneliness
5. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, to what extent, if any, has your concern about the following increased?
Response options: Very much, Quite a bit, Some, Very little, Not at all, Don’t know/unsure
a. Your ability to socialize
b. Your ability to pay bills
c. Having enough food
d. Eviction or loss of housing
e. Your health and safety
f. The health and safety of friends or family
g. Access to adequate medical care
h. Your future opportunities (employment, further education, etc.)
6. Compared to your general habits before the COVID-19 pandemic, how much time have you spent on the following activities?
Response options: Much more, More, About the same, Less, Much less, Not applicable
a. Academic work
b. Physical exercise
c. Hobbies
d. Consuming entertainment (music, movies, television, gaming, etc.)
e. Socializing
f. Working for pay
g. Looking for work
h. Caring for dependents or others
7. With whom do you currently live? (Select all that apply.)
Response options: Not selected, Selected
a. You live alone
b. You live with at least one roommate not related to you
c. You live with your partner or spouse
d. You live with one or more of your children
e. You live with family member(s) such as parents, siblings, or other relatives
f. You live with another person not listed above
8. Please describe anything else you would like to share about your experiences as a student during the COVID-19 pandemic or about your institution’s related actions and policies. (5,000 character limit; at the end of the survey, you will have an opportunity to comment on your overall experience at this institution.) [TEXT BOX]