Experiences with Online Learning Topical Module (2024)
Copyright © 2023 Trustees of Indiana University
This module, new for the 2021 administration, was developed in collaboration with Quality Matters, a leader in online instruction. Based in part on Standards from the Quality Matters Higher Education Rubric (6th Ed.), the item set measures instructional aspects that experts consider to be ideal for online courses. The set also assesses how students engage in both online and hybrid courses, their degree of comfort with online learning and experience of support, and ideas about how the learning experience can be improved.
You previously indicated that you have taken mostly remote courses, mostly hybrid or blended courses that combine in-person and remote instruction, or a balanced mix of all course types (in-person, remote, and hybrid/blended) during the current school year. Please tell us more about your online learning experiences.
1. During the current school year, to what extent have your entirely or partly online courses provided the following?
Response Options: 4=Very much, 3=Quite a bit, 2=Some, 1=Very little, 0=Not at all
a. Clearly stated learning objectives or goals
b. Clear guidance about how to get started in the course
c. A clearly stated grading policy
d. Course information and activities that are easy to locate
e. Sufficient instructions for using course-related technology
f. Clarity about when instructors would respond to you (answers to your questions, feedback about coursework, etc.)
g. Clear expectations for your interactions with other students
h. Assessments (quizzes, projects, assignments, exams, etc.) that help you achieve course learning objectives or goals
i. Instructional materials (readings, videos, etc.) that help you achieve course learning objectives or goals
2. During the current school year, about how many of your entirely or partly online courses included the following?
Response Options: 4=All, 3=Most, 2=Some, 1=None
a. Live sessions including the instructor and students
b. Pre-recorded presentations by the instructor
c. Presentations or talks by experts in the field (live or recorded)
d. Group projects or presentations
e. Interaction among students in small groups or breakout rooms
f. Frequent quizzes or short assignments to check your understanding
g. Coursework that challenges you to enhance your knowledge, skills, and abilities
h. Instructional materials (text, video, images, assignments, etc.) that represent diverse perspectives and people
i. Opportunities for personalized feedback, support, and guidance from the instructor
j. Opportunities to apply your learning to a real-world problem or issue
k. Statements related to protection of your privacy and data
3. During the current school year, how comfortable have you been doing the following in your entirely or partly online courses?
Response Options: 1=Not at all comfortable … 6=Very comfortable 9=Not applicable
a. Participating in online discussion boards, forums, or other discussion tools
b. Participating in live course discussions
c. Taking proctored online exams
d. Interacting with other students in the course
e. Interacting with your instructor to discuss course topics, ideas, or concepts
f. Using learning support services (tutoring services, writing center, etc.)
g. Seeking feedback and guidance from your instructor
4. To improve the online course-taking experience, how important is it that your institution do the following?
Response Options: 4=Very important; 3=Important; 2=Somewhat important; 1=Not at all important
a. Increase interactions between students
b. Increase interactions with instructors
c. Improve responsiveness of instructors
d. Improve online tools for student collaboration
e. Provide more online learning support services (tutoring services, writing center, etc.)
5. Considering your experience taking entirely or partly online courses during the current school year, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Response Options: 4=Strongly agree, 3=Agree, 2=Disagree, 1=Strongly disagree
a. Internet service (availability, speed, reliability, etc.) where you live has been sufficient to participate in the course.
b. The hardware (computer, tablet, mobile phone, printer, etc.) and software that you have access to have been sufficient to participate in the course.
c. Study spaces that you have access to have been sufficient for your needs.
d. The technology support has been helpful.
e. The online course platform or learning management system (LMS) has been user-friendly.
6. Which of the following best describes how your entirely or partly online courses have typically been scheduled?
Response Options: 1=Synchronous (live class meetings online at scheduled times); 2=Asynchronous (online participation not at scheduled times); 3= A mixture of synchronous and asynchronous; 4= Hybrid (face-to-face class meetings at scheduled times and online instruction)
7. Overall, how would you evaluate your online learning experience during the current school year?
Response Options: 4=Excellent, 3=Good, 2=Fair, 1=Poor
8. Please describe one thing about online learning at your institution that could be improved. (5,000 character limit)
9. Please describe one thing about online learning at your institution that should not be changed. (5,000 character limit)
Note: Some of these questions are based on Standards from the Quality Matters Higher Education Rubric, Sixth Edition.