NSSE is launching a new initiative to support institutions with Career and Workforce Preparation (CWP) Topical Module data and results. We are holding a three-part virtual workshop in the spring of 2025 for institutions who elected to administer the CWP Topical Module in their 2023 and/or 2024 NSSE administrations. We welcome participation from a variety of faculty and staff at each institution including institutional research staff, career services staff, and faculty involved in this work to join us.
The first virtual workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, February 11, from 1-2:30 Eastern. Please register to receive the meeting Zoom link.
As we continue to gather information from participants, we will provide more details, but you can find a general outline of the workshop series below. We hope that this series of meetings to work through the process of asking questions and providing evidence to support and improve student career and workforce preparation is useful to achieving your goals for participating in the CWP Topical Module. If you have other ideas for how we can support your work, let us know!