Topical Module Local Administration Option

Administer a Topical Module Independently from the Full-Scale NSSE

Would you like to administer a Topical Module during your NSSE “off year" or in coordination with the full-scale administration of NSSE on your campus? For example, you could use the Academic Advising module to assess your improvements to advising practices or target a specific group such as sophomores using the Global Learning module.

NSSE’s Topical Module Local Administration Option offers bachelor's degree-granting institutions the opportunity to license up to four modules and to administer them locally during their years off from a standard NSSE administration. Licensing is also available in the same year as a standard NSSE administration, as long as licensing does not overlap or disrupt the full-scale administration of NSSE on campus.

FSSE Topical Modules are also available for licensing. Consider a paired administration of NSSE and FSSE modules to explore a topic in-depth! 

NSSE and FSSE Topical Modules licensing questions and requests should be sent to

Examples: Ways to Use the Topical Module Local Administration Option

Inform quality improvement initiatives

Use the Experiences with Writing module to collect baseline data on the quality of student writing, and schedule a follow-up administration to assess the impact of your improvement efforts.

Evaluate grant activities

Study the effectiveness of your grant-funded enhancements to online instruction with the Experiences with Online Learning module.

Gain input from specific student groups

Administer the Inclusiveness and Engagement with Cultural Diversity module to evaluate the impact of diversity programs in shaping the campus experiences of your sophomores or juniors.

What Does a Local Administration Entail?

  • Administration: Institutions are responsible for all details of the survey administration, such as programming the Topical Module(s) online (or printing paper surveys) and recruiting respondents.
  • Reporting: Institutions produce their own reports. Means and frequencies from the standard NSSE administration of Topical Modules are posted on the NSSE website and can be referenced by institutions for benchmarking.
  • Cost: A fee of $400 is assessed for licensing one module; each additional module is an additional $100, as detailed below. Institutions can license a maximum of four modules simultaneously.
1 Module2 Modules3 Modules4 Modules