In the 2021 Annual Results Co-Directors message, we stated our goals to enhance attention to equity across several areas, including: inclusive language to document student identities, survey questions that affirm students’ identities, disaggregating data to unmask group differences, and using critical quantitative methodologies. We are excited to share some of the progress we have made toward these goals.
The NSSE Equity in Survey Design, Administration, Analysis, and Reporting (ESDAR) Work Group was created shortly after the 2021 Annual Results were released. This group has focused on the infusion and focus on equity across all dimensions of the NSSE project. The group consists of 12 people, chaired by Angie Miller and Cindy Ann Kilgo, including Allison BrckaLorenz, Jennifer Brooks, Ella Chamis, Steven Feldman, Bob Gonyea, Tien Ling Hu, Christen Priddie, Shimon Sarraf, Kevin Wenger, and Yihan Zhu. While all staff have been encouraged to engage with equity work in their various roles, this group in particular has accomplished a lot in our shared effort to NSSE’s turn toward a focus on equity and inclusion in student engagement.
NSSE has evolved with student identity language that is more equitable, precise, and affirming to students taking the survey. In November 2022, we announced several changes to the NSSE 2023 instrument. A few highlights include increasing the options for the gender identity and sexual orientation items, as well as allowing students to select all that apply; revising “Hispanic of Latina/o” to also include “Latine or Latinx”; and expanding the options for fraternity or sorority membership to include specific Greek councils. Our hope is that these revised items allow students to share their true identities and allow institutions to look more deeply into differences within groups in deciding how to best serve students. We also hope some of these additions lead institutions to consider reevaluating their student record data to more accurately depict students’ identities and experiences. While the questions mentioned here will be illustrated in the 2023 NSSE Annual Results, you will notice a continued effort to use inclusive language within the 2022 NSSE Annual Results (disaggregating when possible, centering and focusing on minoritized populations).
NSSE remains dedicated to continuing the shift toward more emphasis on equity and inclusion as it relates to student engagement. Moving forward, future webinars and blog posts on the work of ESDAR and NSSE will be available for institutions to participate. Finally, as co-directors, we rely on invaluable feedback from the field. We would love to hear from you. Please contact Jillian Kinzie ( and Cindy Ann Kilgo ( to provide input on our work toward NSSE’s future legacy.