The University of Wisconsin Madison office of Academic Planning and Institutional Research shares their NSSE 2020 data in accessible, tailored short summaries on topics related to diversity and climate, a focus on the “Wisconsin Experience”, and select NSSE results over time. A November 6, 2020 news release, “Students give UW–Madison high marks for academic quality, overall educational experience” reported that UW-Madison seniors overwhelmingly gave the university high marks for academic quality compared to students at peer institutions, and that both first-years and seniors had higher quality interactions with academic advisors, faculty, student services staff, administrative staff and other students as compared with respondents at peer institutions. The story also reported NSSE results aligned with the four areas of growth outlined in the Wisconsin Experience, including intellectual confidence, empathy and humility, relentless curiosity and purposeful action, concluding that the data afford evidence that the university is instilling the traits and qualities the University envisions for the total student experience.
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