
NSSE Responds to Challenging Times
These are challenging times indeed. Foremost in our minds we hope you, your loved ones, and your campus community are healthy and taking the necessary prpcautions to stay that way.
Wanted: Your Input to Plan NSSE’s Third Decade
We are thrilled to celebrate twenty years of NSSE! Since its first national administration, in 2000, NSSE has helped focus the national discourse about college quality ....
Have You Seen Our Annual Results Yet?
First, some good news. Student engagement has improved over time. Efforts to improve the quality of higher education between 2004 and 2019 ...
BCSSE 2020 Registration Now Open
BCSSE works with colleges and universities across the US and Canada to collect—and use—important information about incoming students’ experiences and expectations for college.
FSSE Update
New for 2020, FSSE added items to the core survey to gain a better understanding of faculty’s sense of belonging, teaching environments, and participation in high-impact practices.
Leverage Your NSSE Data with a Customized Action Plan
Apply to the Summer Institute for Improving Undergraduate Education, July 13-16, 2020.
Research Highlights from NSSE Sightings
NSSE Sightings, NSSE’s blog, shares current findings and more from NSSE, FSSE, BCSSE, and other projects at the Center for Postsecondary Research.
New National Advisory Board Members, Welcome!
The NSSE team is delighted to welcome three higher education leaders to our National Advisory Board.
AIR Forum 2020 Status Update
NSSE staff plan to attend the Association for Institutional Research (AIR) Annual Forum in New Orleans this May.