Importance of LRC to Seniors

Advising LRC Contributes to Positive Views of the Educational Experience

Most seniors evaluate their institution as either "good" or "excellent." However, there are differences in Advising LRC scores between those who rate their institution as either good/excellent and "poor" or "fair." Students who rate their institution as good/excellent experience significantly higher Advising LRC compared to their peers who experience poor/fair (all differences p < .001) (Figure 2). The within-racial/ethnic identity differences in LRC between good/excellent and poor/fair range from about 14 (Asian) to 20 (Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander). These differences in LRC point to the need for institutions to examine how student experiences vary across racial/ethnic identities.

Figure 2. Advising LRC by Racial/Ethnic Identity and Evaluation of the Overall Experience at the InstitutionGo to an accessible version of figure 2